Centuries of SummerDays

Centuries of SummerDays

For English, see below.

I 2016 udviklede jeg Shakespeare-konceptet Centuries of SummerDays, der udkom som album i 2017.

Centuries of SummerDays er Shakespeare i nye klæder.

Mesterdigterens sonetter strøs ud over et tidløst, akustisk univers, hvor klange og stemninger er i centrum og fører dig vidt omkring, uanset hvor nøjagtigt, du forstår de 400 år gamle tekster.

Med musikalsk sikkerhed og respekt for historien guides publikum gennem meditative melodier og urrytmer til romantiske popballader og sømandssange.

Centuries of SummerDays er en koncert, et foredrag eller en undervisningsworkshop – eller alle tre ting på én gang.

Det fysiske album kan købes til koncerter eller hos Gateway ved at klikke her.​

For booking, se​ kontakt.

Se ​Sonet nr 33 på Youtube.

Centuries of SummerDays is Shakespeare in new clothing.

The sonnets of the master poet is sprinkled upon a timeless, acoustic universe centred around moods and harmonies that takes you far, no matter how well you understand the 400 year old lyrics.

With unerring musicality and respect for the stories, the audience is guided through meditative melodies, ancient rhythms, romantic pop ballads and sailor songs.

Centuries of SummerDays is a concert, a lecture or a workshop – or everything at once.

An album is also available for physical og digital purchase as well as streaming – the music will be released the 15th of June 2017. You can purchase the physical album at concerts or buy it via Gateway by clicking here.

For booking: mie@miebrunberg.dk (or see the page kontakt)

See​ Sonnet no. 33 on Youtube.